2006 Photo Contest

We have winners of the 2006 MyCastroValley Photo Contest!

Good NEWS: Everyone broke the rules! Not one entrant sent in the five (5) photo series as requested. They either sent in too many or too few. This was great for us, as we received about 100 photos! But, it took a lot longer to judge; hence the delayed announcement of the winners. Having said that, no one was disqualified. Drum roll please.....Here are the winners:

"Castro Valley Area"

1st. place: Stan Johnson   (Stan wins $100.)
2nd. place: Chuck Nelson (Chuck wins $50.)

"Castro Valley People"

1st. place: Amber Warner  (Amber wins $100.)
2nd. place: Rachel Ortiz  (Rachel wins $50.)

 Honorable mentions go to Al Carbonetti and Mary Ann (click on name to see their photos)

Take tour and view these wonderful photographs here >>>
Keep in mind we have to reduce resolution quite a bit for the web, so these sample don't do them much justice.

We will write better instructions next year. Mean while, keep snapping photos for our next contest

NOTE: We will be contacting the winners regarding award payment later this week or early next week.

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